Thoughts Along The Journey

Growing In Christ

The Old, Old Story

clock April 3, 2008 04:59 by author cometjoe

Often when reading my bible, I encounter difficulty in understanding passages. I can understand the individual words, but I feel like I am not getting the whole idea of a lesson. I usually felt that if I would really commit to study, I could grasp God's messages from The Word. I would read parables and grasp the physical story, but then Bro. Ken would give explanation, and I would be amazed at the depth of the symbolism. Even the smallest details can carry enormous weight and meaning. Oftentimes in my study, I would be focusing on one area, and then read or hear preaching referencing the same passage, and it brings a whole new light into view.

 I have grown to recognize that although I read passages that I have read before, there is frequently new meaning for me. Sometimes I would be disappointed and think that I must have just skimmed through previously. Now I have learned that one blessing of our Father's Word is that although the words on the page never change, the meaning can be deeper than a single thought. I've begun to look forward to finding the new insight through studies. At one point, I would skip a bible study thinking that "I already know this story", but then I've learned that as I aged, my perspective and understanding has also evolved.

I have also learned how relevant the original story is to every generation and all ages. Although technologies are developed and disappear, God's word is applicable in every area of our lives. There is no situation that we encounter where the blessed Word will fail to help guide us. Recently through difficulties at work, I have learned to interrupt my reactions, turn to the word, and trust that I will always find clear direction. I encourage you to frequent your bible, and to be excited to find new meanings with every visit.

Oh What A Savior

clock March 31, 2008 06:25 by author cometjoe

Saturday night we were watching the Gaithers on TV and they had a special with Ernie Haase & Signature Sound. They sang "Oh What A Savior" and it touched my heart. I don't know how many times I've listened to the Cathredals sing the song, but this time it meant more to me. Jill had her head resting on my lap sleeping, and I just sat there and wept.

    "Oh what a Savior, oh Hallelujah,
    His heart was broken on Calvary,
    His hands were nail scarred, His side was riven,
    He gave his life's blood, for even me"

"His heart was broken, on Calvary" just tore me up. I thought of how cruel our sins added to the lashes; how he took it for all of our sins, for all of us. I was stuck on thinking how at times I am aware of the weight of sins, and then I turn around and go right back to worldly ways without a thought. I know that we all fall short, and we are all as filthy rags, but I feel that with salvation there is a responsibility to do better than I have done. Through conviction we should always remember where our Father has brought us from, and stay reminded of the blessings that our Father has given to us. Watching Jill peacefully sleep reminded me of the immeasurable blessing that she has been in my life. We've both lost our fathers this past year, and I can't imagine trying to handle that without her faith and standing by my side, and the support of our church family.  

I have taken to using the words that Bro. Herman closes his prayers with - "In Jesus name I pray, and for His glory I ask it, amen". I want to praise Him, and I love the words of our pastor; "we will be careful to honor you Lord". I pray each day that I will not bring shame to our God, and that I will use the talents He has given me to fulfill the purpose that he has for me here, and that I will do things that bring glory to our Father.

    Listen to "Oh What A Savior" by the Cathedrals

Forever Grateful

clock March 27, 2008 14:07 by author cometjoe

In Bro. Mike's sermon "He Touched Me", we are reminded of the blessing of each visit to the House of God. How grateful we should be for the privilege that the Lord bestows upon us. To acknowledge the Father's love, we should praise Him, and give thanks for sharing His presence with us. I cherish the blessing of our services. Midweek, after returning to work, I lean on the memories of the gifts we experience during our worship. From the passion of a senior saint's testimony, to the blessing of seeing a new Christian accepting Christ as their savior, I often think about how many people I pass each day who will never have the chance to see firsthand God's gifts. We can never take for our church for granted. We enjoy a rare opportunity, and must be diligent in protecting it.

       He Touched Me - Bro. Mike Rollins

Learning through Preaching

clock March 26, 2008 00:59 by author cometjoe

Our pastor, deacons and Sunday School teachers have been an inspiration teaching me to handle the difficulties I encounter. I am trying to learn to keep a positive attitude in times of strife. I pray to grow to be longsuffering, and slow to anger, although my tendency is to be quick to pop-off with my mouth. I find the best help comes from preaching and studying the word of God.

There is nothing like hearing it straight, and in person. I have recorded sermons, and I need them to review and refresh my thoughts, but there is no replacement for the "real thing". I thank God for bringing me to a ministry where the primary focus is on preaching that is true to the word of God. I find myself experiencing all different emotions during the sermons. At times I feel an overwhelming peace in the confidence of my salvation, and knowing I am on the right path. Other times I feel deep conviction, and recognize the areas where I need the most correction and change. I hear explanations of the parables, teaching me aspects that I had never considered, as well as reminding me that I need to study my bible more. There is so much guidance in God's word, and I always find a nugget to pocket each time I stop to dwell. The width and depth of God's word is immeasurable, and there is no situation that the values and teachings do not apply.

The Little Foxes

clock March 19, 2008 13:48 by author cometjoe

On the subject of supporting our pastor, it is important that we understand our church principles. If we do not, then it is our responsibility to pursue that knowledge from the church leaders and our teachers. It is also important that we align with the beliefs of our church, and that dissent among church members can be very harmful to the strength of the congregation. Gossip can be one of the more subtle ways that satan will undermine a church as the members grow closer to God. He is not interested in attacking a church that is cold, but when a congregation is on fire, that is when he focuses his attention and tries to plant the seeds of doubt in it's members hearts.

When Bro. Dennis was teaching about how harmful the seemingly small differences can be, and how difficult it can be to recognize the devil trying to get his foot in the door, it reminded me of this passage...

Song Of Solomon 2:15 "Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines [have] tender grapes."

The larger foxes are tall enough to reach the grapes on the vine, but the little foxes chew near the root to bring down the vine, thus destroying the vine. The fruit could grow back if it was only taken, but when the vine is destroyed, no harvest will return. In the long run, this is much more harmful than losing the single crop. It's this same erosion of the fellowship of the congregation that can be the downfall of the church. Be careful of the "little" rumors and smalltalk, as they may be more harmful than the obvious tornado. The wind may blow down the walls, but they can be rebuilt. Take away the trust and support of members, and the church can rot away from the inside.

Be Careful Who You Trust

clock March 17, 2008 06:19 by author cometjoe

In Sunday school, Bro. Dennis taught about how false prophets disguise their ways using scripture to mask their real intention. He talked about how we must pay close attention and review the media that we are exposed to, in order to determine the good from the bad. The obvious radical music or preaching is easy to avoid, but often the presentation appears to match your pastor's chosen path.

Jeremiah 14:14 "Then the LORD said unto me, The prophets prophesy lies in my name: I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spake unto them: they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination, and a thing of nought, and the deceit of their heart."

Seek the guidance of senior saints if you have doubts and trust your instincts when the situation feels uncomfortable.



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